Touch of humanity is a student led organisation run by a small committee. We engage in fund raising throughout the year so that we can later take this money and use it to give back to the community. Our committee runs on the concept of "spreading smiles" and for the past few years we've annually accomplished great things such as raising hundreds of thousands and providing children in need with food, shelter and other necessities. We organise fun trips for the whole school to take part in and everyone is welcome to participate.
Touch of humanity will be holding a charity trip to Ol Gir Gir primary school in the first week of November.
The old committee previously went to the same school and provided them with both a kitchen and rabbit hutch.
We plan on returning to the school, to not only follow up on both preceding projects but also provide them with a water tank and build a rain water collection system so that the students never suffer from water shortages again.
This November, we will be organizing an overnight trip for the whole school to participate in. Between both the primary school children and our own students, there will be a variety of activities planned for everyone to take part in.
For further information, do not hesitate to contact one of the committee members.
The touch of humanity club also previosuly travlled to Ol Gir Girschool and built the students a rabbit hutch and a kitchen.
The pictures above show us interacting with the students there, and building the rabbit hutch.