Leo Club

About us

LEO stands for Leadership, Experience and Opportunity. We are a youth organization of Lions Clubs International. As a club we encourage youth to develop leadership qualities by participating insocial service activities. The club conducts various projects in the fields of healthcare, elders, children, disabled people, literacy and education and self-development.



Club Patron:

Mr. Bett Kimaru

Club Leader:

Akash Dadhley
Click here to Join

Committee Members

1.      Club President- Akash Dadhley   13B
2.      Vice President- Shiven Shah       13C
3.      Secretary- Mihir Madhaparia       13F
4.      Treasurer- Amarveer Rehal         13F
5.      PRO- Viraj Shah                          13G

Upcoming events

Over the course of next year we plan to do a bake sale during the annual sports day.

In addition, we plan on doing a sports related activity which we are still working on. All proceeds will go to a children’s home which we will donate to in terms of food stuffs.

Recent School Events

We organized a bake sale during Annual Sports Day held in November 2018 at Oshwal Centre.

The club also requested students to donate foodstuffs and clothes and stationery for the needy kids in the society.  The items donated together with what was bought from the money received from the bake sale were donated to Rescue Dada Children''s Home as seen in the pictures above.